
You can create polls which will be shown either on the polls page of eventula or an specified event. You can give the users the ability to select only one option or multiple options and you can allow or deny the addition of own answers by users. In every case all registered users can vote!

Add poll

Lets create a News article! go to your Admin Panel to the Polls Section and you can Write your entry in the Create Poll area.

Fill in a name and a description for your poll and add at least one option to it (you can add more with the Add Extra Option button).

When you associate no event with the poll it will be showed on the public Polls page (reachable in the footer Navigation) or via a Link to it.

When you associate an event with the poll it will be showed on the events page only.

eventula event deletion

You will then be redirected to the detailed / editing view for your poll and in order to make it publicly available you have to set the Status to Published and save the Poll with the Submit button:

eventula event deletion

A poll on the poll page will look like this:

eventula event deletion

If a user clics on it, it will look like this:

eventula event deletion

A poll on an events page will look like this:

eventula event deletion

Edit poll / View poll results / End poll

To edit a poll klick on the edit button of your poll entry in the Polls area.

eventula event deletion

You have now the ability to add new options to the poll, change the name, description and the associated event and end the poll (so users cant vote anymore).

eventula event deletion

You also can see the results of the vote:

eventula event deletion

Delte poll

To delete a poll simply click Delete on the Polls list entry and confirm the upcoming messagebox:

eventula event deletion